A downloadable game

"Kids in trench coat" is a well-established trope in cartoons. The premise is simple: a group of children want to do something, whether it's to go see a violent movie or go on a rollercoaster and such, but they cannot do so without adult supervision. However, knowing that their parents would be against them experiencing such things at a young age, they decide to do the next best thing: stack up on each other and pretend to be an adult instead! 

So I thought: that is a fantastic idea for a game. In this game, you and two other players will play as three children in a trench coat. Each one of you will be responsible for controlling different parts: the legs, the hands, and the head. Your goal is simple: get out of the house, navigate your way to the store, avoid getting seen or losing your balance, and get your prize in the form of an adult magazine! Don't be fooled by the outrageous title, however, there is absolutely no nudity or adult themes in the game and it's meant to be more tongue-in-cheek.

To Start Playing:

All 3 players need to press Start on their controllers. But do not move for the first 10 seconds as that will cause issues.


The game is playable with XBOX controllers only.

Head Controls: Use Left Stick to move the cone of vision. Use Right Stick to move the camera angle. Press and Hold A button to Zoom In.

Hands Controls: Use Left Stick or Right Stick to move Left Arm or Right Hand respectively. Press and Hold Left Trigger or Right Trigger to interact with and hold items within your Left Hand's or Right Hand's reach, respectively.

Legs Controls: Use Left Stick to move around in the scene. You can Press A button to prop up an object that's lying on the ground so that the Hands Player can reach them.


This was a solo project done in Unreal Engine 4. The coding, blueprints, character models, and animations were all done by me.


I would like to thank Giovanni Troiano for being an awesome thesis supervisor. I would like to thank Viraj Shirodkar for playing along with my insanity. I would like to thank Kalpan Agrawal who needs to have more faith in himself. And I would like to thank every single person who believed in this beautiful, janky, and messy project even when I didn't.



Install instructions

Extract and run

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